5 Ways Designers Can Change The World

A question I’ve asked myself for a long time, is how can I use the skills I have to benefit others? Alot of times we think our creativity and talent isn’t practical enough to help others in need, hopefully this post can inspire you and help you to think a little bit differently about what you as designer can do.

1. Start Locally

Don’t think that you have to immediately take on the world’s worst problems. Start locally and see what needs are immediately around you and tackle them. Contact the non-profits in your local area and see if they need help with their web site or print collateral.

2. After School Art Programs

If you live anywhere near a metro area chances are there are going to be alot of kids hanging around with nothing to do, especially in the summer. If you are a designer with a passion for the fine arts getting involved in or even starting an after school art program can be a great way to get involved in a child’s life and mentor them. Art is also very therapeutic, it helps us express ourselves in a positive and constructive way.

3. Donate Time to Non-Profits

There are plenty of non-profit organizations that need design or web help. Don’t be afraid to email or call and just offer your services, chances are they’re covered but you could just be the answer to someone’s prayer. If you think about most non-profits and the amount of time they have and what they spend it on, finding a designer is probably last on their list. I’ve also found that people doing non-profit work don’t even have a clue to even know where to begin to look for a designer.

4. Work Some Freelance & Donate The Profits

This is probably the easiest and quickest way of helping out. Find a cause that you are passionate about. Find some extra work and donate the all the money.

5. Raise Awareness

Use your site, social media, online communities to raise awareness about the issues you are passionate about. Video, posters and online media can shed light to an issue. Use the world wide web to it’s fullest potential and challenge yourself to create a visual message that rises above the noise and really makes someone stop and think about what they are seeing.
These are just a handful of ideas, but hopefully this post has inspired you to think a little differently about the skills you have and what you can do for others locally and globablly. Yes we can lend a hand regardless of what we’re doing but if you can use what you love to do and help others at the same time, this is one of the greatest things in the world. If you’ve used your skills to help others I would love to hear about it in the comments.


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