A Tribute To Steve Jobs With Rare Videos

Steve Jobs was himself a revolution.His vision, innovation, and leadership not only changed the world, but he changed our lives as well. His death has made that all too apparent - Steve was our leader. Although I never had the opportunity to meet Steve in person, I have always felt that he was a part of my life. He has been my personal role model for as long as I can remember and I am truly crushed by his passing. I was in the 5th grade when I realized design was my calling. I didn't simply decide to be a designer, I realized that I was born to do this. I was born a designer.

The catalyst to my discovery was only made clear after I used my first Mac.From that point on, I looked at Steve as a beacon to my destination unknown. He followed his vision, and I knew without a doubt that I had to follow mine. I was determined to turn my vision into reality. And I did.There is no doubt in my mind that without Steve Jobs, many of us would have not realized our full potential.His creations have touched humanity and inspired the world over - for that I am eternally grateful. Steve Jobs - A leader, an inspiration, a revolution. May you Rest In Peace.

"For the last 20 years, and probably longer, we can rarely get through a design discussion without someone referencing Steve Jobs and some item of brilliance coming from Apple. He will be truly missed."   - Dan Formosa, Smart Design      "When I heard the news this morning I had the same feeling of loss that I had for John Lennon - the loss of what a longer life of creativity could have brought the world from such a brilliant individual. Steve Jobs created a definitive Challenger brand that has become the worlds greatest Icon. Through Apple and his other interests, Steve Jobs's memory and legacy will stay alive and prosper, continuing to better our culture and enrich our lives.   I think Steve's words are better than mine and so here's a two of his most meaningful quotes to me:  "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do"  "Death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it, and that is how it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new."  And lastly, everyone -  designer or not -  should read his Commencement address to Stanford University on June 12, 2005:  http://news.stanford.edu/news/2005/june15/jobs-061505.html  Thank you Steve.  - Jonathan Ford - Pearlfisher    "Years ago, when describing the design of an early MacIntosh, Steve stated that it looked like it came from another planet--a planet with better designers. Steve Jobs imbued designers with the confidence and clarity to truly help create products that changed the world, and because they were so beautiful and well designed, we felt more beautiful using them. Steve Jobs never felt compelled to undertake market research to find out what people wanted; his ambitions were greater: he wanted to give us that which we didn't know we even needed, that which you needed a visionary genius to understand could even be created in the first place. The world has not only lost a great inventor, technologist and designer, the world has lost a great artist and a true poet."  iSob  - Debbie Millman - Sterling Brands     "Steve Jobs has made my life so much easier, by proving to the world that intelligent simplicity and refined aesthetics are not elitist, but they're actually what almost everybody really wants".  - David Turner, Turner Duckworth      "My thoughts and prayers are with Steve's wife and children during this time. I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to experience Steve's brilliance first hand in Apple's Industrial Design studio. His ability to challenge, inspire and motivate simultaneously was always remarkable. He gave everyone around him the confidence and desire to create without boundaries."  - Vince Voron, Coca-Cola       "Steve Jobs has done more than change the design profession, or the job of every CEO.  He has given a large portion of the population a way to engage in our daily digital culture.  Thanks to his tools, we are all a part of an ever-growing creative class.  An Apple computer loaded with a suite of illustration and photo software used to be the rarified tools of creative professionals. Today, almost everyone is a creator.  We take/edit/send/post images, we blog, we tweet, we create family slide shows, we creatively and actively participate in online communities.     In other words, we contribute to conversations and create our digital culture.     It is Steve Jobs’ products that allow us to create and share every day.  It is Steve Jobs’ unwavering commitment to ease of use that has made technology approachable, and usable by most.   And for this, we can all say that Steve Jobs changed our lives."   - Yves Behar, Fuseproject      "People think it's this veneer -- that the designers are handed this box and told, 'Make it look good!' That's not what we think design is. It's not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve Jobs
The First Mac( Lost video of 1984)

Steve Jobs introduces the fist apple store


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