work wednesday: jessica + james.

jessica and james are getting married this november at st. john the baptist church, followed by a reception at the philadelphia four seasons hotel. she requested a formal invitation package that exuded old hollywood elegance. we achieved this with an oversized two color 6" x 9" letterpress invite that was adhered to a pocket fold. this pocket fold pattern of silvery plumes on charcoal metallic paper was the perfect solution to keep the reception, reply, and accommodation card organized. the front of the reply postcard was a nice place to incorporate a touch of philadelphia. we used a vintage photograph of logan circle, because this iconic fountain is located across the street from the venue. this image was also used on the postage for the outer envelope. we also created a classic monogram for the couple that was pressed on the invite and carried over to the reply card postage and small tag that closed the pocket fold. two delicate swarkvoski crystals added just the right amount of glamour to the crest.

the package was stuffed inside a lined metallic charcoal envelope which was addressed in white calligraphy by the fabulous lindsey bee.


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